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Process Library Detail

What is khost.exe? Kontiki P2P file sharing?

Vendor:      Kontiki
Vendor Website:
Last Seen by PC Matic:      No Data

Process is Bad PC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that there is a high likelihood that it is bad.
Process is questionablePC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that the safety of this process is questionable.
Process is goodPC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that there is a high likelihood that it is good.
Process is goodThis process is a Microsoft or Windows process, but many viruses use this file name to escape notice.

Purpose: KHost.exe - Kontiki is used by several major sites such as CNet, ZDNet, and GameSpot. It is usually offered as a drive-by download just before you download a program that you have requested. When you install this program you may be recruited into a file sharing network that may use your network bandwidth to deliver files to other Kontiki users. Since many users are probably unaware they have downloaded Kontiki and do not know it is using their bandwidth, our recommendation is to remove this utility.

khost.exe uses excessive system and memory resources with no corresponding benefit. Applications such as these should be disabled to improve overall system performance.

khost.exe is known to be a bad process. Learn more about protecting your PC from these bad processes with PC Matic.
khost.exe could be a harmful process. Learn more about protecging your PC from these potential harmful processes with PC Matic.
This information brought to you by PC Matic. PC Matic's real-time protection, Super Shield, blocks ALL bad and unknown threats to keep your PC secure.
khost.exe is a Microsoft or Windows process but some versions of this exe carry viruses.
Learn more about protecting yourself from bad versions of this file with PC Matic.

Percentage of recently scanned PC's with this process running: 0.03%
Average CPU use for this program: 0%
Average RAM for this program: 12 MB

Program Name MD5 Count

MD5 Hashes

# Status MD5 Revision Name Size
1 Status 0x90f825cf812db56ccec575a4aa5ed4cc 6/16/2018 7:06:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1627 KB
2 Status 0xe267526e2a5699f44097e11003262cdd 3/6/2016 11:53:00 AM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1017 KB
3 Status 0xc3b3fdef641bb3a23683627114bdbad9 2/21/2016 3:50:00 AM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 0 KB
4 Status 0xb5569b12e8ff9a71837c57e7c195169f 10/16/2015 12:58:00 PM Unknown 5.11.704.230 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1008 KB
5 Status 0xa2d6e100bd080610e94227ebd98d8f8d 4/29/2015 7:11:00 PM Unknown 5.12.707.160 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1008 KB
6 Status 0x5c249c9b8f3d14a2a9d08d8764febb03 3/17/2014 9:59:00 AM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1347 KB
7 Status 0x878c465b3939c73b6b3211d4451776a7 10/2/2012 1:59:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1344 KB
8 Status 0x2cf7e1248da85489556f34779f24ee87 8/8/2012 4:03:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1427 KB
9 Status 0x8ed0d6343ea1c4b6299c3fdbd584682c 2/7/2012 3:07:00 AM Unknown 2.20.40113.0 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1720 KB
10 Status 0x28de2b6febaaa2dab8c47a46200532af 1/20/2012 5:10:00 AM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1569 KB
11 Status 0xfa75dc8750dfc3d6de54673d851d8f74 9/11/2011 8:18:00 AM Unknown 4.20.51102.0 Kontiki P2P file sharing 2184 KB
12 Status 0xaa40a59118eb64858bc716250412abf5 8/16/2011 7:57:00 AM Unknown 4.20.51004.0 Kontiki P2P file sharing 2208 KB
13 Status 0x3a0b1b2019386767f3e141ee4431224d 8/14/2011 1:49:00 PM Unknown 2.20.40120.0 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1716 KB
14 Status 0x68150f99482f3d2afa9dbd0d9f03d971 8/11/2011 4:41:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1427 KB
15 Status 0xb8338c05687859fe380f164971460d78 8/3/2011 9:21:00 PM Unknown 5.10.701.240 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1009 KB
16 Status 0x27b334f0e4f601d0fd210121aad36319 8/3/2011 2:07:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1432 KB
17 Status 0xfb824501ba59d9af88099cd14a84804b 6/18/2011 2:21:00 AM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1008 KB
18 Status 0xf88e946025668fcb67b6d10256e3bc64 3/5/2011 8:13:00 AM Unknown 5.02.61030.0 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1016 KB
19 Status 0xcf82da5d18a5f91b9d86f8137c3e7749 2/8/2011 2:06:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1008 KB
20 Status 0x4b00d089c57eaf84fbeaa2fc0ba4d74f 2/1/2011 10:56:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1325 KB
21 Status 0x75b8df0a33d6cd608cd91ea39abe08d5 1/26/2011 4:36:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1009 KB
22 Status 0xaace324896655bc14ee828c71480aaae 1/8/2011 5:51:00 PM Unknown 5.10.701.240 Kontiki P2P file sharing 1009 KB
23 Status 0x2951a3fec54fe0d98c0a73b38f6bc097 12/30/2010 6:26:00 AM Unknown 4.22.60714.0 Kontiki P2P file sharing 2189 KB
24 Status 0xe00a56c4fdccab96fb385d832d0c3a8a 9/29/2010 6:10:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 1432 KB
25 Status 0xa461f77baf544c3632b4aa2f7c1a851d 8/6/2010 6:10:00 PM Unknown Unknown Kontiki P2P file sharing 2540 KB

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