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Process Library Detail

What is rteng7.exe? Adaptive Server Anywhere?

Vendor:      Sybase
Product:     Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere
Vendor Website:     
Last Seen by PC Matic:      No Data

Process is Bad PC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that there is a high likelihood that it is bad.
Process is questionablePC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that the safety of this process is questionable.
Process is goodPC Matic has analyzed this process and determined that there is a high likelihood that it is good.
Process is goodThis process is a Microsoft or Windows process, but many viruses use this file name to escape notice.

Purpose: rteng7.exe is part of Sybase Adaptive Server Anywhere. It is designed to store data efficiently using a small amount of disk space and allows data operations to be executed quickly. It is not an essential program but should not be removed unless causing problems.

rteng7.exe is a user invoked program and a normal part of PC operations. No action required.

rteng7.exe is known to be a bad process. Learn more about protecting your PC from these bad processes with PC Matic.
rteng7.exe could be a harmful process. Learn more about protecging your PC from these potential harmful processes with PC Matic.
This information brought to you by PC Matic. PC Matic's real-time protection, Super Shield, blocks ALL bad and unknown threats to keep your PC secure.
rteng7.exe is a Microsoft or Windows process but some versions of this exe carry viruses.
Learn more about protecting yourself from bad versions of this file with PC Matic.

Percentage of recently scanned PC's with this process running: 0.00%
Average CPU use for this program: 0%
Average RAM for this program: 6 MB

Program Name MD5 Count

MD5 Hashes

# Status MD5 Revision Name Size
1 Status 0xf00c974a2fd3666aaea6f6ad8bfacd1c 1/27/2015 9:00:00 PM Unknown Adaptive Server Anywhere 41 KB

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